Debugging Tasks

Debugging can be complex with multiple running components.

Prior to running the development components, a Docker stack must be executed because it’s necessary for Redis to be operational (and Mailhog helpfully tests email notifications).

Two components can be debugged during development:

  • The runserver, used for testing the admin application and the livelogviewer view.

  • The rqworker, used for testing the wrapper that initiates the tasks.

In the PyCharm IDE, you need to establish three run/debug configurations:

  • The Django server configuration, which controls the runserver. A Before launch task

is added to this that runs the Docker stack before the runserver. This ensures Redis and Mailhog are operational.

Runserver configuration
  • The rqworker configuration.

    RQ Worker configuration


To make a configuration for local Docker compose execution, simply open the file in

PyCharm and click on the double green arrows. This actions docker compose up and creates a temporary run/debug configuration. Save this configuration to reuse it later.

Executing docker compose up