django-eztaskmanager documentation

django-eztaskmanager is a Django application designed to initiate standard Django management tasks asynchronously. This is done through a conventional Django administrative interface, using either RQ or, in the near future, Celery.

django-eztaskmanager is both an evolution and an upgrade from our previous django-uwsgi-taskmanager; it comes with these key features:

  • usage of standard Django management commands as task templates;

  • capability to import existing management commands through a meta-management command;

  • manual starting and stopping of tasks via an administrative interface;

  • ability to schedule singular and periodic tasks using the Django admin system;

  • compatibility with RQ (rq + rq-scheduler) or Celery (celery + celery-beat) for queue management;

  • verification or download of generated reports/logs;

  • live log streaming display, with error and warning filters for task debugging;

  • notification capabilities via email or Slack on task completion or failure.


Right now, django-eztaskmanager is built to play nice with RQ (Redis Queue). It does the job, and does it well. But I know some of you out there swear by Celery, and I hear you. It’s on my radar and I’m knee-deep in code working to get it integrated.

So, keep an eye out for updates!